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Post-Conf Training on API

Blaise 5:  2 Day API Training

October 29 and 30
Rockville, Maryland, USA

Statistics Netherlands staff will teach the Blaise 5 API class following the IBUC conference.

The API class includes:
- 1.5 days Windows
- 0.5 days MVC custom controls

The Windows part consists of examining various practical coding examples, exercises and the installed samples and covers custom Windows data entry program and the variousAPIs to differing degrees (major topics: meta, datarecord, datalink, datainterface; minor topics: sessiondata, audittrail, layout, servermanager, CATI runtime & specification (very minimally) and serverevents). Examples and practicals are C# based.

The MVC part will cover sample programs that show how to write a custom control for the Angular based web-engine.

This course is heavily oriented to people with programming experience and the course is mainly a practical one.

Limited class size: 12 participants
Cost: $300 USD per participant

To register, contact